Friday, November 29, 2013


Hurricane day Row 30 secs x 3 Goblet squat x 3 Push-ups x 3 x 10 Row 30secs x 3 Dbell row 3 x 10 each arm Kettle bell swings x 10 Row 30 secs x 3 Dbell curls x 3 x 10 Barbell standing press x 3 x 10

Friday, November 22, 2013


10 mins bike Intervals 30 secs on 1:00 off First 5 rounds hitting the heavy bag 2 rounds of rowing 1 round of kettle bell swings 1 round of battle ropes 1 round of push-ups 2 sets of single leg leg presses

Monday, November 18, 2013


10 mins bike 5 rounds Dbell press x 10 25 lb dbell Bent row with dbell x10 25lbs 10 sit-ups 10:05 3 rounds 15 body weight squats 10 hands elevated push-ups

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


6 mins bike 21-15-9 1 arm thruster with dbell with each arm 25lb dbell after each round 10 pushups using dbells 6 mins elliptical 3x2 pullups

Monday, November 11, 2013


6 mins bike a1) tke x15x3 a2) 1 arm dbell row x10x3 250 m row b1) seated leg curl x20x3 b2) pushups x10x3 c) 5 mins elliptical

Sunday, November 10, 2013

"Just be yourself"

Have you ever been given this advice, nodded your head and then sat there and wondered I'm not sure what that means? The last time someone said that to me it was a friend of mine who was giving some advice after observing me train a client. When he said this to me it nearly brought me to tears. He said just be yourself and I remember thinking I don't even know who that is. I know I am a husband, a son and a man but beyond that I feel lost. The things that used to excite me no longer do or do so a lot less than they used to. I no longer have a passion for anything but I know that I want to find that passion for something and I'm not sure where to begin. I recently heard on a podcast I listen to the guest describe the host as the the person who is most true to their own self as anyone they have ever met. As I move on I think that would be a great place to start to be described as being true to myself once I find out who that guy is.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


5 mins bike

A1 tke x15x3
A2 ring row x 5x3

250meter row

B1 box squat bw x19x3
B2 push-ups x5x3

5 mins bike